Have you ever had that feeling where you are anxious yet excited at the same time? That is where I am right now.I actually feel like I want to regurgitate the pizza I just stuffed in my face. Want to know why? I am about to send in my registration form for Team In Training. Normally a long term commitment like this makes me break out in hives but for once in my life I really want to start something, give it my all, and then follow it all the way through. The run is not the only thing that terrifies me (although 13.1 miles is incredibly intimidating) it is also the fundraising commitment I need to make. Even though I formerly raised money for a living I worry that I will not be able to hit my $2000 goal. What If I fail?
I simply need to keep positive. As my mom always says "fear the fear ... Do it anyway!".
Stay tuned for more fun to come. My fundraising page will be up soon and I hope to plan some activities around the Roanoke Valley (happy hour for a cause anyone?) that will not only rake in the dough but also be so much fun. So far I have a couple ideas but please feel free to send any suggestions my way.
Up Next: Beer and Bunions
20-Minute Honey Garlic Shrimp
22 hours ago
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